School Psychological Examiner
- Masters degree representing intensive coursework in the principles and practice of educational guidance, educational testing and measurement, counseling, the psychology of learning, and statistics.
- State of Missouri Psychological Examiner or School Psychologist certification
- At least two years of successful teaching experience, experience in special education, counseling, or psychometrics preferred
- Excellent oral and written communication skills
- Skills in human relations, leadership and conflict management
Director of Student Services
To provide educationally and psychometrically sound assessments of students referred for special education evaluation by working with team members in the school to enable students to work toward their full potential by providing and interpreting test data that will assist in the development of an appropriate educational plan.
- Comply with District, state and federal requirements for the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
- Maintain confidentiality of information gained through the performance and location of the position.
- Ensure appropriate identification of students with disabilities referred to the district student assessment team.
- Determine appropriate test instruments based on the student's age and development level.
- Demonstrate adequate knowledge of child and adolescent development and develop rapport. and relate appropriately and effectively with children under evaluation.
- Administer psychological and/or educational tests.
- Effectively interpret, both verbally and in writing, special education disability criteria, individual psychological and educational test data, and diagnostic reports to principles, teachers, parents, support staff and agency personnel, as appropriate.
- Provide assistance in the development of IEPs.
- Stay current on the Section 504 guidelines.
- Maintain accurate records for individual students referred, screened and/or receiving therapy or other school provided services.
- Assume the responsibility for requisitioning and maintaining needed testing equipment and supplies.
- Support communication with school staff.
- Assume such other duties as assigned by supervisor or administrative personnel.
Salary, work day, and year to be established by the Board of Education.
Performance of this job will be evaluated annually in accordance with provisions of the Board of Education’s policy on Evaluation of Certificated Personnel.